Original here: http://www.suomenash.fi/fin/ajankohtaista/2016/02/miksi-sahkosavukkeita-on-saadeltava/
electronic cigarettes must be regulated?
Chairman of Suomen ASH ry, professor Pekka
Puska speaks out on the regulation of electronic cigarettes.
the acquiring, trying and using nicotine containing electronic cigarettes has
not been possible. The products are also tried by non-smokers and on the other
hand seem to be appealing especially to youth who already use other tobacco
interest in electronic cigarettes has been increasing significantly in the last
few years: only five percent of 12-18 year olds do not know, what an electronic
cigarette is. Half of the youth who have tried electronic cigarettes has used
nicotine containing liquids in them. Most commonly electronic cigarettes are
used by boys in polytechnic schools, seven percent is vaping daily, 13 percent
cigarette liquid flavoring agents (like strawberry, chocolate and vanilla) and
the appearance of the device are important factors in their attractiveness to
Electronic cigarette can impede quitting
Some electronic
cigarette users experience help in smoking cessation, but there is no evidence
of their effectiveness in quitting smoking on a population level. On the
contrary: According to a recent American study electronic cigarettes undermines
the users’ chances of getting rid of smoking. According to another study youth
who try electronic cigarettes, are more sensitive to starting smoking regular
causes strong dependence and changes the structure and function of the brain
permanently. If electronic cigarettes are marketed as smoking cessation aids,
nicotine containing electronic cigarettes should be regulated under the medical
legislation like other nicotine containing medical products. This way their marketing
and use would have oversight.
Compared to
nicotine replacement products, like nicotine gum or patch, electronic
cigarettes have been studied relatively little. Information on the impact of
electronic cigarettes on for example lung diseases and subsequent mortality can
be obtained only after years, even decades.
The effects of inhaled flavoring is unknown
cigarette liquids form vapor from chemicals, such as glycerol and propylene
glycol, which have been classified as safe for food- and hygiene products.
However, there is no systematic, longitudinal study based information on how
these substances affect when vaporized and inhaled. There are indications that
the flavorings used in electronic cigarettes have harmful effects on health.
Vapor from nicotine free electronic cigarettes also contains harmful
substances, although less than cigarettes.
Electronic cigarette vs cigarette
Almost any
product is safer than a cigarette, since cigarettes kill more than half of
their users. Electronic cigarettes are broadly a form of smoking, which is
forcefully advocated by the industry. However, electronic cigarettes are both
harmful in many ways and suited to sustain a society favorable to smoking.
to a report Public Health England (PHE) published less than a year ago, electronic
cigarettes are 95 percent safer than regular cigarettes and an effective aid to
quit smoking. However, this conclusion is based on only a single study, which
is funded by electronic cigarette and cigarette companies.
results and the expertise of the authors of the report has been disputed by
many prestigious parties, like medical journals Lancet and British Medical
Journal, British Medical Association, the United States National Institutes of
Health and the World health organization WHO. WHO has also recommended, that
electronic cigarettes would not be used until their safety has been verified.
contained in electronic cigarette causes strong dependence
cigarettes are also marketed to children and youth, which can lead to a new
generation of nicotine addicts
dependence also often leads to mixed use of different tobacco products, also
including cigarettes that is
is a powerful poison and even a small amount can be fatal to a small child
sound evidence of the efficacy and safety as a smoking cessation aid does not
cigarette flavorings can be dangerous to health when inhaled
More information:
Pekka Puska
Suomen ASH ry
Longitudinal study of
e-cigarette use and onset of cigarette smoking among high school students in
Hawaii. Tobacco Control 25.11.2015
E-cigarettes and smoking cessation in real-world and clinical settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 14.1.2016
Nicotine as a Health Risk. Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum 2.12.2015
UK report claiming e-cigs 95% safer than cigs based on one industry-linked report raises questions PHE’s scientific dredibility. University of California, 16.9.2015
Evidence about electronic cigarettes: a foundation built on rock or sand?The British Medical Journal, 15.9.2015
E-cigarettes: Public Health England's evidence-based confusion, The Lancet, 29.8.2015
E-cigarette industry funded experts who ruled vaping is safe: Official advice is based on research scientists in the pay of manufacturers. London Daily Mail, 28.8.2015
E-cigarettes: an evidence update A report commissioned by Public Health England. PHE 2015.
Sähkösavukkeet eivät ratkaise tupakointiongelmaa. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. 3.9.2015
Tupakkatuotteiden yhteiskäyttö yläkouluissa ja toisen asteen oppilaitoksissa 2000–2015. Tutkimuksesta tiiviisti 2/2016. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Helsinki.
Sähkösavukkeiden terveyteen liittyvät vaikutukset ja teho tupakoinnin lopettamisessa. Tutkimuksesta tiiviisti 19, kesäkuu 2015. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
Sähkösavuke-sivut. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos
12 ways to reduce your cancer risk. IARC 2015.
16th World Conference on Tobacco or Health
Tupakka ja sairaudet. Duodecim 2014.
Nuorten terveystapatutkimus. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö 2015.
Nuuska ja sähkösavuke –esite. Suomen ASH.
Luonnos: Hallituksen esitys eduskunnalle tupakkalaiksi ja laeiksi eräiden siihen liittyvien lakien muuttamisesta. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, 11.8.2015
E-cigarettes and smoking cessation in real-world and clinical settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 14.1.2016
Nicotine as a Health Risk. Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum 2.12.2015
UK report claiming e-cigs 95% safer than cigs based on one industry-linked report raises questions PHE’s scientific dredibility. University of California, 16.9.2015
Evidence about electronic cigarettes: a foundation built on rock or sand?The British Medical Journal, 15.9.2015
E-cigarettes: Public Health England's evidence-based confusion, The Lancet, 29.8.2015
E-cigarette industry funded experts who ruled vaping is safe: Official advice is based on research scientists in the pay of manufacturers. London Daily Mail, 28.8.2015
E-cigarettes: an evidence update A report commissioned by Public Health England. PHE 2015.
Sähkösavukkeet eivät ratkaise tupakointiongelmaa. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. 3.9.2015
Tupakkatuotteiden yhteiskäyttö yläkouluissa ja toisen asteen oppilaitoksissa 2000–2015. Tutkimuksesta tiiviisti 2/2016. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Helsinki.
Sähkösavukkeiden terveyteen liittyvät vaikutukset ja teho tupakoinnin lopettamisessa. Tutkimuksesta tiiviisti 19, kesäkuu 2015. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
Sähkösavuke-sivut. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos
12 ways to reduce your cancer risk. IARC 2015.
16th World Conference on Tobacco or Health
Tupakka ja sairaudet. Duodecim 2014.
Nuorten terveystapatutkimus. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö 2015.
Nuuska ja sähkösavuke –esite. Suomen ASH.
Luonnos: Hallituksen esitys eduskunnalle tupakkalaiksi ja laeiksi eräiden siihen liittyvien lakien muuttamisesta. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, 11.8.2015
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